
Polymer Manufacturing Plant

Polymer Manufacturing Plant

In the organic chemistry certain giant molecules such as starch, rubber, plastic or resin, synthetic fibres, cellulose, proteins are called polymers and plants manufacturing them are polymer plants. Thus rubber manufacturing plant, synthetic yarn (nylon Terylene etc.) unit, plastic, resin or silicon making factory or a starch manufacturing factory can be called a polymer plant.
The polymer (bigger) molecules are built up of smaller units joined together and form a repeating structure. The repeating structure or the recurring unit in a given molecule is called the monomer, and the entire molecule composed of several such reporting units is called a polymer. Thus we can say that rubber is a polymer of isoprene, starch of α-glucose and cellulose of β-glucose.

The polymerization process is of three types

Addition polymerization, the combination of monomers either of the same kind or different kind by a process of addition involving no loss of fragments, for example, ethylene-> polythene.

Copolymerization involves two different types of monomers, for example, vinyl chloride with vinyl acetate.

Condensation polymerization means the combination of monomers by a process involving loss of a simple fragment or a molecule of water. The terminal units of the polymer chain may be different from the units inside. For example, polyester from a Di-alcohol and Di-acid.

The alkyd resins are such polymers obtained from phthalic acid and glycol or glycerol. Linear polymers are thermoplastic and cross-linked polymers are thermoplastic and cross-linked polymers are thermosetting.
Proteins, starch and cellulosic fibres, plastics and resins are used to make thousands of industrial products.

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